"Every man shares in Evangelism, Mission, and Spiritual Life"


United Methodist Men shall be a creative, supportive fellowship of men who seek to know Jesus Christ, to grow spiritually and to seek daily his will. Our primary purpose is to declare the centrality of Christ in the lives of men and in all their relationships.

Big Beaver United Methodist Men (UMM)

The UMM at Big Beaver hosts many activities throughout the year. Most of the activities are fund raisers to support camp scholarships, and our various mission projects.

Some activities include:

Annual Chicken BBQ - Every September at the church.  

Annual Men's Retreat - Friday evening and Saturday at Bayshore Camp. 

Annual Super Bowl Party - Chili, hot dogs and snacks are served while the game is projected on the big screen in the church family center.

Golf Outings - Usually 2 outings per year - all are invited.

Pie Sales - Achatz Handmade Pie Co. products sold to raise funds.

Bell Ringing - For the Salvation Army, in December.

Bible Studies - Presently 2 are offered.

Work Projects - Both for the church itself and other mission-related off-site projects.


United Methodist Women (UMW) provides opportunities for women to participate in Christian service and supportive fellowship and to expand concepts of mission.

Each year we sponsor a UMW Sunday, a luncheon with other area UMW members, a weekend retreat, a one day retreat, three luncheons for an adult foster care group and a Christmas gift drive. Additionally, four circles meet on a monthly basis for fellowship, spiritual growth and nurturing support:

Sarah Circle - second Tuesday mornings 11:00am (L)

Suzanna Circle - second Monday evenings 7:30pm (YR)

We raise money annually through a pasty bake, a spring flower sale, a rummage sale and a cookie walk to provide financial support for almost 20 local, national and global missions as well as the Detroit Renaissance District UMW.


We all experience challenges in life, times when we could benefit from the support of a caring Christian friend. In Galatians 6:2, we are told to "Bear one another’s burdens, and thereby fulfill the law of Christ." Stephen Ministers are ready to provide emotional and spiritual care to individuals in our congregation and community who are experiencing difficulties in their lives. Stephen Ministry is a one-on-one, confidential and on-going ministry to someone who is hurting. It is quiet, compassionate, and provides a listening witness to the caring presence of Christ and His community. Equipped through an extensive training course, Stephen Ministers are lay persons called to care giving.

For more information please contact the church office at 248-689-1932.


Big Beaver United Methodist Church offers a Sports Ministry Program. For more information, contact the church office.


The program has 1 men's softball team and is open to anyone 14 and older. 


We also have a volleyball league which meets Tuesday evenings from November through March. The volleyball league plays their games right in our family center. Volleyball is also open to anyone in the church, as well as their friends and families.


Open to anyone 14 and older. Meets Wednesday from 7:00pm-9:00pm and Friday from 9:30am-11:30am in the Family Center. Open to all skill levels. Just looking to have fun, fellowship and friendship. We even have the equipment if you just want to come and try.  


Bag Ladies

The Bag Lady Ministry sews school bags for the Midwest Mission Distribution Center and United Methodist Committee On Relief (UMCOR). We need willing hands to mark and cut fabric, sew and iron seams. All are welcome to join us! Come and enjoy a morning of fun and fellowship working on this mission project. We meet in the youth room the first and third Wednesday of each month at 10:00am. Please come even if you only have an hour to spare. The completed and filled bags are sent to children in the USA and around the world.

Book Club

The Big Beaver UMC book club is a group of people who enjoy reading for personal enrichment and spiritual growth. The club holds meetings 5 times per year in an open and welcoming forum, to share their personal thoughts and feelings about the book that the club has been most recently reading. 

Church and Society

The Church and Society ministry works to educate the Big Beaver UMC congregation about issues of social justice, and actively works on behalf of peace with justice efforts in the community, nation, and world. Awareness and action campaigns may include presentations, volunteer opportunities, monitoring legislation, fundraising, and book discussions.

Click for Information on Human Trafficking

Helping Hands

Big Beaver’s Helping Hands Ministry is a group of volunteers who honor the homebound with visits and cards. Volunteers are given a rotating list of names and send cards or visit shut-ins on a monthly basis. Volunteers also deliver plants to the homebound at Easter and Christmas.

Prayer Shawl

The Prayer Shawl ministry meets the second and fourth Sundays from 2-4 pm in the Church Library. The shawls and lap robes are taken by persons to give to friends experiencing a difficult time.


“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” (Philippians 4:6) We all have needs, situations that we are going through, and we all need guidance from our Loving God. Our God is an awesome God and wants us to make our requests known to Him, as stated in the verse above. That is where the prayer chain comes in as a tool everyone can use and be a part of. If you need prayer for yourself, your family, friends or any situation, use the link below to submit a request and the members of the Big Beaver United Methodist Church prayer chain will provide their prayerful support on behalf of your concern.

Email bbumc@bbumchurch.org